Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ten Most Beautiful Birds in the World

Maybe the most notorious of the bird world, the peacock is legendary for its amazing feathers he uses in the mating rituals. Being the symbolic pet of Greek Goddess Hera, the bird is exclusively beautiful.

The Scarlet Macaw is the most spectacular species of parrot as colors are concerned. Thenational symbol of Honduras, this large parrot is perhaps the one bird companion any home in the world would like to have.
scarlet macaw

Kingfisher is for sure a very common bird and since it comes in different species the multitude of nuances of blue and orange is for sure a sight to be seen.

The Painted Bunting is for sure the most beautifully painted bird in North America. Still only the male is carrying this amazing display of colors that it seems to be his key ingredient in mating rituals.
painted bunting

The Baltimore oriole leaves speechless the bird watchers of the world with its amazing song but also with its amazing black and orange feathers.
baltimore oriole

The Northern Cardinal is perhaps the most vivid example that a beautiful red coat and black trim around the beak can make a bird look as outstanding as the function whose name it carries.
northern cardinal

The African Crowned Crane is not exactly the most colorful but the way nature designed its appearance and the colors displayed on its head sure makes it one of a kind in the beautiful birds’ world.
africal crowned crane

Atlantic Puffins are so very cute wit their colorful beak and unique body shape. The lovely grey and white feathers are perfectly accompanied by the orange beak and legs.
atlantic puffin

The American Kestrel is part of the small falcon’s family and it is the most accurate example of how the majestic stature of a predator bird can be also amazingly looking because of itsbeautiful blue feathers.
americal kestrel

Lorikeets are the loveliest species of tree parrots wearing the most amazing colorful feathers. They are extremely beautiful and their colorful being is a joy to watch in the forests of Asia.

